Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week3 : Design Concept

Design Concept

We come up with a concept with a war as we had our last meeting with a group.
We decided to come up with a individual conceptual design to show to ourselves and tutors to compare out design and pick.

I decided to design something that is "caved" where people to escape and feel safe.
Mostly using a natural grain stone material that is already exists in the site. (I am assuming sand stone. Since we cannot enter the site.)

The materials are used rusted steel and concrete.
This photo represents plan and sections.

This is a design which is hidden half of the design within the cliff and the other is out.

The key notes
-Door is used rotating handling doors (As sometimes we can see in the ships)
-The natural stone walls have a water feature system
-Steel walls have a bullet holes that represents war times.
-Out door got a seats that look out the view.
-A wall that run through which gets narrow and in the end got a dash of natural light shining through.

Comment from tutors:
-They dont like the idea of building something within the cliff. (Didn't really mentioned specifically which is not really helpfull... its just a useless comments really without any specific reason)
-However they like the ideas of using the bullet holes as a texture.
-Not much comment about materials. Just nodded.
-Its really not the place that people will come back again.

In overall its a "start thinking again process"

As my other group mates got a same quotes from the tutors.

Our next day from the tutorial we had our meeting to discuss again with a design.

We taking the idea of "Allies" and "Axis".
Providing a CIRCULAR shape for each parties and combine them together.
This diagram represents the axis and allies are combined together which represents the war.

Which end up with the shape of the bottom drawings of this diagram.

This diagrams shows the concept of the design.

The lett top: Shows the center of the circle to be the idea of "Peace"

Right Top: Shows the Axis and Allies

Bottom right: Shows the example of circulations

Extra ideas: All the walls do have bullet holes. which adds the feeling of war.

This diagrams shows the contrast on different time of the day on how it feels like within inside.

Depends on the day, the situation of the battle will be change.

This will give the audience to keep them coming back to gain different experience.

This is during at night.

Shooting red lights outwards to attracts audience.

This also relates to the "flares" that they used during war times.

It gives texture and also visually appears during at night aswell.

This is our stage at the moment.
Tomorrow will have our meeting aswell to finalise our design and come up with a poster design.

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