Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week2 : Site visits and group meetings.

Continuing from the last post.

The site
Our first step was to visit the site and we did.
However there was a no entry site where we have to take our photos from outside the boundary.

I have taken some photos viewing from Kangaroo Point and had a interesting idea of how the cliffs and topography works. The site is most likely covered with rocks and vegitations and also some existing buildings are there are not to be interfered.

             Left to Right pan view
This photos are originally taken by me using my phone.
As you can see in this photo there is a existing building on the left and the right centered from Story Bridge. The backgroud shows that its covered in vegitations.


 This photo is taken at the right side from the story bridge and it shows the much details of the cliffs.
This is the mostly the boundary of our site location. Its at the far right of the site and it shows a great texture of the cliffs. Its got a character and its beautiful. The positive is that there is no existing buildings surrounded.

Unfortunetly we cannot physically enter the site and its a shame that we cannot get our close up shots to see more in details.


In our tutorial we had our discussion about our concept. One of my team mates brought up the theme of "View Gallery". A meaning of having our folie design to be focused on views or historical monumental to be at one place. The actual site is surrounded with a suburb of CBD, New Farm, Kangaroo Point and Fortitude Valley. We first discussed about locating the historical buildings within those suburbs that mentioned and make a sort of mapping view for our design concept.

This is a concept mapping diagram.
To considering of bringing all the historial monuments in one place.

By the end of our tutorial meeting last week, we decided to spread the work individually to find the historical buildings in surrounded suburbs.

This is the general information that i have researched.

Kangaroo point
-Story Bridge

-Treasury Casino
-Anzac Memorial
-Old Government House

New Fram
-Old Botanical Gardens
-Wilson"s Outlook

Fortitude Valley
-China Town
-Army Salvation

Our next individual meeting was on monday 12/03/2012.
We showed our progression and shared our ideas.
In general, our meeting was great in communication.
One of our team mates have come up with a new concept that we all agreed with.
 The reserached have showed that our site was used during in WW2 for Air shelters.
Which means a "place to escape and safety".
I have agreed to change our concept to this idea.

Its more focused and specific. Its got a historical value and its something that is forgotten.
I am assuming that the Story Bridge was build to remember those moments. But it does not represents the historical value within it.
Our concept was to build a folie that represents the "Life experience within those times".

Therefore we brainstorm of what would be like to live those times...

Therefore these are the words that concentrating when designing our concept.

To make it more interesting we are going to design something that interacts with our sences.

Touch / Do
-Rotating lock door. 

-Water dropping
-Metal or steel hitting

-Bullet holes
-Rotten iron
-Antique essence
-Metal smell
So there it is for now. We are going to meet up tomorrow for our tutorial and discuss with our design.
Then from there on, we are going to split the work load to prepare for our presentation next week.

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